Your Hobbies, God's Mission


Welcome to Ignite

Ignite is a tool that helps you create online communities and share the gospel around your hobbies and interests.


What are your hobbies, passions, & interests?

What do you already enjoy doing that you could do with friends online? ex. poetry slam, fitness group, viewing party, etc.

I love watching K-Pop dance practice videos. I’m learning how to dance to the song ‘Dumb’ by DVNDIT right now.”
- Destiny (age 20)

"For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Ephesians 2:10


What network of friends will you invite?

Don't create a holy huddle, but go after the randos that you would never expect to come:

- Friends - people that you are tight with, people that you connect with often.
- Acquantances: friends of friends, classmates, neighbors, other clubs
- Randos - think of your Facebook groups, Instagram followers, and Church community

"…[he] leaves the ninety-nine in the open country and goes after the lost sheep until he finds it." Luke 15:4


How will you invite them?

Good invitations have 2 components.

End your invitation with one of these two options:

A) We will discuss how we each find hope in a time of fear. 
B) We will discuss how we find peace in a time of anxiety

“Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did.  Could this be the Messiah?"   John 4:29  


Write your invitation

"Hello everyone! As y'all know, I'm a little old lady and I love to corchet. Crocheting has always been a de-stressor for me, so I'd love you to join me to learn a few beginner stitches. WIth all the Corona craze, we'll also be talking about how each of us is finding hope in the midst of an anxiety stricken world. [date, time, link]. Are you interested?"
- Jasmine (age 20)

Use this box to type an invitation. Remember to make it personal. If you need help, reach out to your staff worker!

Copy this invitation into a shared Google Doc with your coach and keep improving!


Discover your story of hope

For 2,000 years, Jesus has been glorifying himself through the weaknesses of his people. You can bring hope to your friends by inviting God into your brokenness, letting his light shine.

Pick one area of brokenness and invite God to speak to you about this:

  • Anxiety
  • Loneliness
  • Numbness
  • Depression
  • Anger
  • Other

“But [Jesus] said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9


Listening Prayer

Listening prayer is simple:

  • “Holy Spirit, I have been feeling (name the emotion). Give me a sense of what you want to say to me about that.”  
  • Wait on God’s response and reflect (30-seconds).

Briefly write out how you want to honestly share your emotions and how Jesus is speaking to you... the more specific, the better. 

  • Keep it personal (about 15-seconds)...this is not the time to be preachy.

Jesus said to them, “Very truly, I tell you, the Son can do nothing on his own, but only what he sees the Father doing...”John 5:19a


Spiritual Conversation Resources

Art and thoughtful spiritual questions can help move your friends to "Fire"

(click the image above to download; or listen to the “Stump the Chump” Podcast, and invite your friends to engage with you about life’s hard questions here!)

Jesus said to him, “What do you want me to do for you?” Mark 10:51


Let's Explore Jesus Together

One or more people are hopefully ready to explore Jesus with you. At the end of your personal sharing, close out the event with an invitation to explore Jesus with you tomorrow. 

Invite them to one of these:

  • A GIG (God Investigation Group) that you start (check out one of these quick GIGs)
  • A welcoming Bible study you either lead or attend
  • InterVarsity Live (on Fridays)

You do not have because you do not ask! James 4:2


Write Your Own Invitation to Explore Jesus

A good invitation to explore Jesus has two parts: 

  • Help non-Christians feel interested in your group. 
  • Use accessible language (“if you’re curious or open”)

Jesus offers us love and connection to God in his amazing story of the prodigal son. If you consider yourself spiritually curious or open, I would love to get your ideas on this important story next week. Please join me on (time and date). Is there anyone else you know of who would wanna join us? Bring them with!
- Jasmine (age 20)

Use this box to type out an invitation. If you need help crafting your follow-up invite, reach out to your staff worker! 

Copy this invitation into a shared Google Doc with your coach and keep improving!

Tell us your story

Useful Resources

Once you are comfortable, feel free to break our Ignite rules! This is YOUR group, make it feel unique to your own flavor and culture.